Mitri Shatara

What Is The Cost To Hire A Personal Injury Lawyer?

Most people will have to seek legal counsel from an attorney for one reason or another.

If you were involved in a traumatic accident, like a motor vehicle accident, a work accident, or a slip and fall accident and sustained injuries, you will definitely need the help of a lawyer.

If you suffered severe injuries, like a traumatic brain injury, you might be entitled to large sums of money, and you will need an accident attorney to help you take legal action and file a personal injury claim.

However, many accident victims are already worried about paying their regular bills, not to mention their new medical expenses to treat their accident injuries.

The thought of paying a personal injury lawyer is overwhelming to many people.

What you ultimately pay a personal injury lawyer depends on various factors, including whether a claim settles out of court, must be taken to court, or goes to trial.

Fortunately, personal injury lawyers are very affordable and work on a contingency basis.

We’ll learn more about what a personal injury lawyer may cost in the article below.

What Do Personal Injury Lawyers Charge?

When you hire a personal injury attorney, you will agree to pay fees and costs for legal representation in a case.

Your accident attorney will explain how and why they charge for their services and any additional costs you may incur throughout a case.

We understand that injured people are among the most financially vulnerable.

Between being unable to work to facing mounting medical bills, the idea of adding attorney’s fees may make you want to handle your accident claim by yourself.

Knowing precisely what you will pay your lawyer would be extremely difficult because every case is different, and circumstances can change over time.

But it is possible to develop an idea of what you could pay depending on different case outcomes and how attorneys’ fees and costs often affect a client’s net recovery.

Start With A No Cost – No Obligation Personal Injury Consultation

99% of accident lawyers worth your time will offer a free consultation to discuss your case.

You can reach out to several local accident attorneys to them about your accident at no cost to you.

During your initial consultation, you should ask any questions about your situation to evaluate whether the attorney is right for your legal representation.

Law firms offer free consultations because a personal injury attorney is only as good as the number of clients they can serve.

That’s why they need to talk to as many potential clients as they can, and it’s in your best interest to “interview” a lawyer to make sure they are a good fit.

This is a good time to discuss the cost to hire a personal injury lawyer at this firm and if they work on a contingency fee agreement.

injured woman talks to a personal injury lawyer

Contingency Fee Agreement

Instead of charging hourly rates, most personal injury attorneys work on a contingency fee basis.

If you have mounting medical bills and other costs, paying a contingency fee percentage when you are compensated means you don’t have to worry about legal fees upfront.

Any services your personal injury law firm provides, from the initial interactions and negotiations with insurance companies to represent you in court, will be paid out of your settlement check.

Instead of paying lawyer fees and other costs as you go, you will pay your attorney a percentage of the settlement or court award you receive.

Contingency fee claims allow anyone to hire a lawyer and receive maximum compensation, regardless of their previous financial status.

A contingency fee arrangement ensures you are not deterred from exercising your right to retain a legal representative, and it allows you to focus on your physical recovery.

personal injury lawyer at trial for victim

How Are Court Costs Paid For?

Your personal injury case will get significantly more expensive if it has to go to court.

Fortunately, most claims settle outside of court.

But if the insurance companies don’t cooperate, you could end up in court.

Even though you don’t need to pay your lawyer’s fee unless you win your case, court costs have to be paid as they come in.

Typical court costs include:

  • Expert witness fees
  • Trial exhibits
  • Court reporters
  • Travel fees
  • Police reports
  • Medical records
  • Filing fees
  • Copying and postage charges
  • Administrative expenses

Each attorney will have a different approach when it comes to paying these expenses.

Some lawyers send monthly bills for costs incurred.

Others will keep track of all expenses and deduct them from your compensation when you win your case.

Is It Worth the Cost To Hire A Personal Injury Lawyer?

It’s tempting to think you might be able to win the case by yourself so you can keep your entire settlement.

But before you represent yourself, there are a few essential things to keep in mind.

You have to submit the right documents to the right parties on time.

Any mistakes can undermine the success of your case.

Things become significantly more complicated if the case ends up in court.

The insurance company will have a team of high-caliber, experienced lawyers specializing in fighting accident claims.

You will be up against them alone.

They will do everything they can to avoid giving you the compensation you deserve for your injuries.

A good personal injury attorney knows the tactics insurance companies use to fight your claims.

They will fight back against the insurance companies to ensure you receive a fair settlement.

While you may lose a percentage of your settlement, we can almost guarantee that you will receive more money than you pay when you hire an attorney.

Contact Alexander Shunnarah Trial Attorneys

Don’t let the cost to hire a personal injury lawyer keep you from obtaining one.

There may be subtle differences between personal injury lawyers regarding how they charge clients.

However, knowing about the fees and costs when you hire an attorney will give you peace of mind before you hire an attorney.

Personal injury cases can be messy.

To secure fair compensation after a personal injury, you need an injury lawyer on your side.

Your attorney won’t let your insurance company push you around and will ensure you receive the compensation you deserve.

If you’re ready to discuss your case with a team you can trust, Alexander Shunnarah Trial Attorneys is here to help. 

Schedule a free consultation to get started.

call to discuss how much a personal injury lawyer cost
Click Here To Call For A Free Consultation

What Are The Most Common Types Of Personal Injury Cases?

The legal field encompasses many roles.

Different types of lawyers will help solve different kinds of problems.

Being injured in an accident can leave you with long-term consequences, like chronic pain, medical bills, and lost wages.

Fortunately, if the negligence of another individual caused your injuries, you can receive compensation for your injuries and other damages.

But receiving that compensation isn’t an easy task.

An injured person will likely be up against large insurance companies with teams of expensive lawyers whose job it is to pay out as little compensation as possible. 

This is where a personal injury attorney comes in.

Your personal injury lawyer will take legal action on your behalf to help you recover the compensation you need to cover your damages.

If you’ve been injured in an accident, you need to seek legal representation from a qualified personal injury attorney that will fight for the compensation you deserve. 

In the article below, we will discuss the types of cases a personal injury attorney can handle.

What Is A Personal Injury Case?

A personal injury case involves reckless, careless, or negligent behavior from a person, business, or other entity that injures another person.

To win a personal injury case, you must provide proof of negligence to win compensation for your accident-related losses.

Personal injury cases have four main components:

  1. First is the duty of care: A person, business, or other party owes a standard of care to the people around them. This means you are expected to behave reasonably and rationally to keep those around you safe.
  2. Next is the breach of duty. To win a personal injury case, it has to be proved that the at-fault party violated the duty of care by behaving recklessly or negligently.
  3. Now you have to prove causation, which is that the breach directly caused harm to someone else.
  4. Lastly, you must show that you suffered losses due to the breach of the duty of care.

Someone who fails to act reasonably and harms someone else is at fault and can be held liable.

But to hold a negligent party accountable, you have to file a personal injury claim.

The “burden of proof” in a personal injury claim lies on the injured victim.

That means it’s up to you and your injury lawyer to prove all four elements of negligence by presenting supporting evidence.

Now, here are a few of the most common types of personal injury cases.

Personal Injury Lawyer evaluates case

Most Common Types of Personal Injury Cases

Catastrophic Injuries

Catastrophic injury cases refer to cases with injuries that have long-term, life-altering consequences.

Catastrophic injuries often lead to lifelong disability, ongoing medical care, and financial burdens caused by high medical bills and lost wages.

Examples of catastrophic injuries include:

  • TBI and brain injuries
  • Burn injuries
  • Amputations
  • Broken bones
  • Dog Bites and animal attacks
  • Spinal cord and back injuries
  • Head Injuries and concussions
  • Whiplash and neck injuries
  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
  • Medical malpractice injuries
  • Injuries In truck accidents

If you were in a catastrophic accident due to someone else’s negligence, a personal injury attorney can evaluate and document the overall impact the injury has had on your life. 

You need to assess how the injury has affected your life and livelihood today, but you also need to understand how your life will be impacted years into the future.

In addition to physical harm and disability, a severe injury can negatively affect your professional life, family life, emotional health, and your overall quality of life.

Car Accidents

Minor auto accidents can result in severe injuries that will require extensive medical treatment.

If accident injuries cause you to miss work, it can result in financial hardship for the entire family.

If you’ve been injured in a motor vehicle accident, you should engage the services of a seasoned personal injury lawyer.

They will make sure you get fair compensation for your losses.

Slip and Fall Accidents And Premise Liability

Under premises liability law, property owners have a legal duty to keep their premises reasonably safe and free of hazards or dangerous conditions to protect those on their property.

If a property owner fails to uphold their legal duty and someone on their property suffers an injury, they may be legally liable for the incident.

If you suffer an injury in a slip and fall accident or another premise liability accident, your personal injury lawyer will help you determine if you have a case against the property owner.

Workplace Accidents

If you are injured at work, receiving the worker’s compensation benefits you need is not a guarantee.

Worker’s comp claims are frequently denied for various reasons, making injured workers feel as though they are out of options. 

If you’ve had a worker’s compensation claim denied, you can appeal it with the help of a lawyer and potentially recover compensation.

The laws surrounding worker’s compensation are complicated, which is why you need an experienced workers’ compensation attorney to help you navigate the process. 

Man is injured and needs a personal injury lawyer

Product Liability

We have consumer protection laws in place to protect the public.

They ensure that businesses market products that are safe.

Even still, defective products find their way to consumers. 

If you have been injured due to a defective product, you have legal options.

If a company designs, manufactures or sells dangerous products, it can be held liable if the products cause harm.

A personal injury law firm experienced in product liability cases can bring negligent manufacturers to justice and receive total and fair compensation on your behalf. 

Wrongful Death

About 38,000 people die in car crashes each year in car accidents alone.

That’s not including cases of medical negligence and other accidents that also lead to death.

If you lost a loved one in a fatal accident, you might be entitled to compensation.

The compensation should cover burial expenses, pain and suffering, and more.

An experienced lawyer can explore ways to ease your financial burdens and guide you through this difficult time.

Free Personal Injury Case Evaluation

Personal injury lawyers often work on a contingency fee basis.

A contingency fee agreement means the attorney will not charge any upfront fees and then take a percentage of the settlement for their legal fees.

Therefore if they don’t get you a settlement, you don’t pay.

Along with a contingency fee agreement, most personal injury lawyers will offer a free personal injury consultation.

Therefore there is no risk in calling!

Contact Alexander Shunnarah Trial Attorneys

Personal injury cases can be messy.

Insurance companies don’t always play fair because they need to protect their profits by avoiding paying you the money you need.

To secure a reasonable settlement after a personal injury, you need an aggressive advocate on your side.

They’ll ensure you receive the compensation you deserve to cover medical bills and other losses while you heal from your injuries.

If you’re ready to discuss your case with a team you can trust, Alexander Shunnarah Trial Attorneys is here to help. 

Schedule a free consultation to get started.

Free consultation for many types of personal injury cases
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How Much Are Typical Car Accident Settlement Amounts?

Car accidents are frustrating experiences.

Even minor fender benders can lead to extensive injuries, medical bills, and a future of chronic pain.

Fortunately, if you were in an accident that was no fault of your own, you can be compensated for your damages.

Car accident settlement can vary greatly depending on several factors.

These factors can include the severity of the accident and injuries, the insurance policies involved, and the nature of the incident.

For these reasons, there is no average car accident settlement.

Even if there were, the average car accident settlement wouldn’t tell you anything about how much money you will get in your accident settlement.

What’s more important is for you to know is how much you might receive in your personal injury case.

In the article below, we will look at what you can expect from an accident claim.

Car accident on the highway causes injuries

How Car Accident Settlement Amounts Are Determined

Determining how much money you could receive in a car accident settlement relies on the specific information surrounding your case.

Your motor vehicle accident will probably look a lot different from the next.

A car accident can range from a minor rear-end collision to a severe multi-vehicle car accident resulting in severe damage and injury.

If you suffer only minor injuries without costly medical expenses, you will receive much less in an accident settlement than someone who spends a few nights in the hospital.

Your actions after your accident will also influence how much compensation you can receive from the at-fault driver’s insurance company.

Accident victims should always call the police after an accident, especially if it results in personal injury or property damage.

However, many people are tempted to handle everything on their own without calling law enforcement, especially in a minor crash.

This is a mistake, and it could ultimately cost you thousands of dollars of financial compensation.

You should also document all accident-related damages and gather personal information, including the insurance information of all drivers involved.

You also need to keep copies of your:

  • medical bills
  • receipts for car repair
  • estimated costs for continued care
  • other financial losses, like lost wages

This information is crucial to determine how much money you can receive in a personal injury settlement.

If you choose to handle the case without an attorney you may end up with less than if you hire an experienced car accident attorney who is better able to negotiate with the insurance company.

Personal Injury Settlements Depend on What the At-Fault Party Can Pay

One important thing to consider about your accident settlement is how much the liable party can afford to pay.

Even if another driver is found 100% at fault for your accident and you have to undergo extensive medical care, the task of collecting a judgment can weigh into the average settlement amount.

Let’s say your claim is worth $50,000.

However, the responsible party only has insurance policy limits covering $40,000 and very few other assets.

You always want to receive a fair settlement, but in situations like this, you might be better off settling for the $40,000 instead of fighting for the extra.

You should always consider how difficult (and costly) it will be to collect your judgment when you decide about your case with your personal injury lawyer.

What Are Lawyer Fees in a Car Accident Settlement?

Fortunately, the fees for your personal injury attorney will be easy to calculate, and they should be clearly laid out in the retainer agreement.

Personal injury lawyers work on a contingency fee agreement.

That means they don’t get paid unless you win a settlement, and then they will take a percentage of that settlement.

A typical retainer fee is 33% of the recovery if the case settles before filing a lawsuit.

If your claim had to go to court, the retainer fee for your accident lawyer may rise to around 40%.

You also need to pay for expenses.

Your accident attorney will likely cover all of the fees for the case and then be reimbursed for them in the settlement.

The expenses could range from $100 to well over $100,000 if your case makes it to trial.

woman discuss her car accident settlement with her lawyer

How Long Does it Take to Get a Settlement from a Car Crash?

It will also vary from case to case to how long it takes to receive an accident settlement.

If you have severe injuries that require a lot of care, it will take longer to receive your settlement.

But your case may settle quickly if you have minor injuries and minimal property damage.

Many cases can take up to a year or more to get a settlement check after an accident because the victim is still recovering and the future effects of the injuries are unknown.

You should receive your settlement check within thirty days of signing the Settlement Release Agreement and sending it back to your insurance adjuster.

Cases involving minor children or a wrongful death claim can take much longer because a court hearing must be held to approve the judge’s settlement.

Act Quickly– Call Alexander Shunnarah Trial Attorneys Today

If you’ve been hurt in an automobile accident, it’s important not to waste any time.

Most states have a statute of limitations of two years from the date of the accident to file a lawsuit.

This may seem like a long time, but it will go by quickly, and your legal representation will need as much time as possible to build your case.

Working with an experienced attorney can help you win your personal injury lawsuit against the negligent driver with minimal distress.

Working with an injury lawyer will make you more likely to receive adequate compensation, allowing you to focus on your physical recovery.

Your attorney also won’t let your insurance company push you around and ensure you receive a reasonable settlement.

If you’re ready to discuss your case with a team you can trust, Alexander Shunnarah Trial Attorneys is here to help. 

Schedule a free consultation to get started.

Click Here For A Free Consultation!

Should I Hire A Car Accident Lawyer?

Millions of car accidents occur in the United States every year.

That means you eventually being involved in a car accident is pretty high.

And when it does occur, your life will change in an instant.

You will have to deal with unexpected circumstances like coping with physical and emotional pain and covering medical costs with less income because of missed time at work.

Tackling all of these challenges on your own can be intimidating.

You don’t have to hire a personal injury attorney after your accident, but if you do, it can help you get fair compensation and avoid liability for the crash.

Determining whether or not you need legal representation depends on the severity of your accident claim and your comfort level with navigating the claims process alone.

In the article below, we will discuss whether or not you need to hire a car accident lawyer.

Your Lawyer Will Help You Collect Damages

If you decide to take legal action, do you know how much compensation you deserve after a car accident?

You might have a few medical bills and an estimate to fix your car, but there could be more damages you can claim.

They include:

  • Future medical costs: Accident victims can be compensated for the medical care you can anticipate being billed for in the future due to the accident.
  • Lost wages: A personal injury claim can also include lost wages. This would be the money you would have earned if you didn’t have to miss work because of your accident injuries.
  • Lost earning capacity: These damages are awarded if your injury impacted your ability to do your job and make a living on a short or long-term basis.
  • Pain and suffering: Depending on the severity of your injuries, you could be awarded thousands of dollars for pain and suffering.
  • Punitive damages: Your accident claim may also include punitive damages if it can be shown the other driver was behaving recklessly or maliciously.

Your accident attorney will examine the details surrounding your accident and determine which damages you can pursue.

If you have been in a severe motor vehicle accident caused by a negligent driver, you need to take certain steps to report the crash to the appropriate authorities.

Even after a minor car accident, you should still call the police, especially if you decide to pursue an accident settlement down the road.

Airbag deployed after car accident

Your Lawyer Will Negotiate With Insurance Companies And Represent You In Court

Your insurance policy should cover many of your damages.

However, your car insurance company and the insurance company of the negligent party will try to deny your claim or pay you less than your claim is worth.

Your attorney will know what information will increase your chances of winning your claim.

They will also be ready to appeal and fight for your compensation if your claim gets denied.

Your insurance company will offer you a monetary settlement right away to do away with your claim as quickly as possible.

Their goal is to pay out as little as possible for insurance claims and avoid any personal injury lawsuits.

The settlement they offer you is almost always much less than what you deserve.

An auto accident lawyer has the experience to know when offers are too low and can negotiate a fair settlement.

Filing a claim is hard, but proving your case is even harder.

Convincing the court and jury to side with you will require extensive legal research and often requires the help of an experienced attorney.

Proving personal injury liability is extremely difficult to do on your own, even if you’ve only suffered minor injuries.

Most car crash cases require the competence and aggressive representation of a skilled auto accident lawyer, especially if your case goes to court.

Car accident lawyer negotiates with insurance agent

Your Lawyer Knows How To Get Compensation

Your lawyer will help you manage your case from start to finish.

They will organize and preserve all evidence, and they will use their experience to handle insurance company tactics to fight back on your behalf effectively.

They will handle the legal aspects of your case so you can focus on any ongoing treatment you have for your physical injuries.

An experienced auto accident attorney will calculate the value of your claim and determine who the at-fault party is for the accident.

The at-fault driver should be responsible for injuries and other damages.

Since insurance will only pay up to the driver’s policy limits, your lawyer will also evaluate the possibility of pursuing the at-fault driver personally to seek additional compensation.

If the insurance companies don’t cooperate, your lawyers can file a lawsuit for your claim and take it to court.

Doing all of this without an attorney is extremely difficult, and you may end up settling for less than you deserve.

Be sure you find an auto accident attorney that will help ensure you win the most compensation possible.

When Should I Hire a Car Accident Lawyer?

If you decide to get an attorney for your accident lawsuit, it’s usually best to hire one quickly.

There are a few reasons for that.

First, there are several deadlines that you will need to meet, including the statutes of limitations.

The statute of limitations sets the time by which your case must be filed with the trial court.

Secondly, the evidence doesn’t last very long. 

For example, surveillance camera footage may not last very long.

Many businesses delete or record surveillance camera footage in days or weeks.

Your car accident lawyer has to work quickly to obtain a video of the collision.

Roadway evidence includes skid marks, car accident debris, or wheel gouges on the shoulder of the road.

It’s essential to visit the scene of the collision ASAP to preserve this roadway evidence. 

People who have been hurt in car accidents may not have health insurance or know where to turn for medical treatment.

If you need medical treatment but don’t have health insurance and don’t know where to turn, your car accident lawyer can point you in the right direction so you can get your severe injuries treated.

And lastly, memories can fade, and witnesses can lose interest.

Witnesses are more likely to come forward immediately after a car accident to share what they saw.

Witnesses may have vivid memories of the injured person in pain, or they might be angry at the at-fault driver for not paying attention.

These memories will fade over time, and witnesses will become less motivated to share what they saw.

Some will dread the idea of talking with lawyers or the possibility of going to court to testify.

Since witness testimony is so important, it’s always best for a car accident lawyer to quickly reach out to the witness.

Hire A Car Accident Lawyer From Alexander Shunnarah Trial Attorneys

You shouldn’t try to handle a personal injury lawsuit on your own.

It’s in your best interest to hire a car accident lawyer as soon as possible.

With their help, you can avoid potential problems with your case.

They’ll ensure you receive the compensation you’re due so you can cover your medical bills and other losses without stress.

If you’re ready to discuss your case with a team you can trust, Alexander Shunnarah Trial Attorneys is here to help. 

Schedule a free consultation to get started by clicking the box below.

Call for a free car accident consultation

Alexander Shunnarah’s Thanksgiving Travel Tips

Traveling is at an all time high during the holidays. Whether it’s traveling for a family gathering, holiday parties or a much needed vacation. Actually, according to the American Automobile Association, an estimated 43.4 million Americans will travel 50 miles or more from home over Thanksgiving weekend — and 90 percent of those will travel by car. At Alexander Shunnarah Personal Injury Attorneys, P.C. we want to make sure you have a safe and fun Thanksgiving. Read our tips below on how to be prepared and travel safely this Thanksgiving.

Plan Ahead: Decide well in advance who will be driving, the route you’ll be taking and when you’ll be leaving to give you ample time to make sure you’re prepared. For example, if you decide to leave late at night make sure you get as much rest as possible before hitting the roads so you can stay awake and alert the entire drive.

Pack Safely: It’s easy to pile all the luggage into the trunk when getting ready to travel. However, it’s important to make sure you pack all of your belongings safely. Some questions you should ask yourself before you hit the road is, “Can the driver see through the back?” or “Is there any luggage that could cause damage to someone in the car if we were to get in an accident?” If the answer to any of these questions is yes then we suggest you rethink how your car is packed.

Don’t get distracted: Using your cell phone while driving can be deadly. We know that it’s common to get phone calls or text messages that you need to answer before your traveling is over but hand the phone off to a passenger or connect your phone to your car’s bluetooth if that’s available. If you’re using your cell phone for directions make sure you have it going before you put your car in drive and have it stored somewhere that the driver can see it easily.

Watch Your Social Media Use: We know how exciting it can be to get together with your loved ones, but be careful what you put on social media. Announcing your travel plans over social media may make your home a target for burglars. Nowadays burglars use social media platforms as a way to identify homes that are vacant during holidays like Thanksgiving.

Leave the Lights On: It’s a simple thing to forget but it could save you from coming home to a house that’s been vandalized or burglarized. If you can’t leave a light on, that’s completely understandable, but find some way to make it look like someone’s home. Maybe get someone to check on the house periodically while you’re gone or install an ADT sign somewhere in the front of your house to scare off potential threats.

There are a ton of things that you can do to help keep you and your loved ones safe this Thanksgiving. We hope these 5 tips will keep your safe this Thanksgiving. If you or a loved one gets into an accident call Alexander Shunnarah Personal Injury Attorneys, P.C., our team will be there to help you.

11 Alexander Shunnarah Personal Injury

The team at Alexander Shunnarah Personal Injury Attorneys, P.C. wants to wish a big congratulations to our 11 attorneys who have been recognized as Super Lawyers or Rising Stars for the 2019 Mid-South Super Lawyers class. Super Lawyers: Andrew J.

Super Lawyers:

  • Andrew J. Moak – Personal Injury (general, products & medical malpractice)
  • Jason A. Shamblin – Personal Injury (general, insurance coverage & business litigation)

Rising Stars:

  • T. Brian Hoven – Personal Injury (general, appellate & business litigation)

Super Lawyers is a rating service of outstanding lawyers from more than 70 practice areas who have attained a high degree of peer recognition and professional achievement. The multi-phased, patented selection process includes independent research, peer nominations, and peer evaluations. Super Lawyers selects no more than 5% of attorneys in the state as Super Lawyers, and no more than 2.5% as Rising Stars.

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